Paintings 2021/2022

Good, Bad, Better

Oil on canvas, 100 x 120

When I'm good, I'm very good

But when I'm bad I'm better

- Mae West, I'm no angel -

I love what I do not have II

Oil on canvas, 100 x 150

I don't really dance, but I would dance with you


I love what I do not have 

Oil on canvas, 120 x180

My life grows tired, hungry to no purpose.

I love what I do not have. You are so far.

-Pablo Neruda-


Oil on canvas, 100 x 180

He sank beneath your wisdom like a stone

-Leonard Cohen-


Oil on canvas, 100 x 120

A quiet place to die


Lone Wolves

Oil on canvas, 100 x 180

Here I love you.

-Pablo Neruda-

Lone Wolves II

Oil on canvas, 120 x 180

In the dark pines the wind disentangles itself.

The moon glows like phosphorous on the vagrant waters.

-Pablo Neruda-

A Day

Oil on canvas,  90 x 120

Days, all one kind, go chasing each other.

-Pablo Neruda-

A Port

Oil on canvas,  90 x 120

This is a port. Home.


Lone Wolves III

Oil on canvas, 120 x180

The only reality

Strokes on canvas

Smell of oilpaint.


The River I


Oil on canvas, 120 x180

 “Just laying next to each other… yeah… would that be ok?



The Darkest Side


Oil on canvas, 100 x 170

“The world turns onto its darkest side, and the bravest of us make love in the shapes of animals”



Love seat 


Oil on canvas, 50 x 60



Oil on canvas, 80 x 60

Bali Clouds


Oil on canvas, 80 x 60